
Stolen And Abandoned GSD Has Heartwarming Homecoming Story

In 2018, her beloved family dog Sheba was stolen from her backyard in Texas.

Stephanie Moore-Malmstrom’s dog Sheba had been missing since 2018!  © Screenshot/Instagram/theeverydayslay

Since then, the canine was considered missing and Moore-Malmstrom had already given up hope of ever being able to hold her four-legged friend in her arms again – until now.

One day, she received a random text message that indicated Sheba had been found in a town about 621 miles away!

“My first thought was, ‘Where’s my million dollars and my cruise?” said Moore-Malmstrom in an interview with The Dodo. “‘Somebody is screwing with me.'”

Sure enough, a police officer had identified Sheba via microchip, and organized a FaceTime call with Moore-Malmstrom to confirm she was the owner – and the tears started flowing shortly after.

While the dog had grown much older, Moore-Malmstrom still knew immediately: “Oh my God, you have my dog, you have our baby!”

With the help of the animal rescue operation “Pilots N Paws”, Sheba was transported back home by plane, and the joy was enormous.

When Stephanie Moore-Malmstrom received this news, she could hardly believe her eyes!  © Instagram/Screenshot/theeverydayslay

As soon as the pup stepped off the plane, Moore-Malmstrom was overwhelmed, and her daughters could hardly calm down either. “I experienced every emotion you can imagine,” she continued. “Sheba couldn’t get to my girls fast enough!

Moore-Malmstrom has since found out that after Sheba was kidnapped, she was adopted by a family who took care of the dog for four-and-a-half years.

However, when the four-legged friend’s new owners moved, they decided they no longer wanted to care for the animal – and left her on the streets.

As a result, Sheba roamed the city alone for some time until she was discovered by the officer, who eventually checked her microchip.

What do you think?

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