
A Desperate Homeless Man Waits Outside The Shelter Hoping To Save His Fur Friend

Any wise man, whatever his status or his bank account is , cannot by any means underestimate the value of a best friend. And who could undermine the loyalty of a fur friend.

On an early morning in-font of DeKalb County Animal Services in Georgia, a homeless man was being monitored by a worker who woke him up to ask him what was wrong and the man informed him that his dog had gone missing and that he was waiting to see if he was taken to the shelter. 

The man was desperate to find his best friend in the whole world.

He had spent all of his money to pay for the bus ride to the shelter. But what he didn’t know was that his dog had been picked up as a stray about two weeks earlier and taken to the animal service’s new building across town. The man had no way to get there other than walking, but the kennel tech stepped up with an amazing act of kindness.

The kennel tech paid for the train ride across town to reunite the homeless man with his dog. Tata was happy and healthy and awaiting a reunion with her owner. And that’s exactly what was about to happen.

Screen Shot : Tracy Hunton Thompson

What a heartwarming moment. To top it off, the shelter waived all of the fees and offered assistance through their outreach program that helps the homeless with their pets should they need it in the future.

We could have seen people with more privilege but will not act as this man, because not every man would value the blessing of a true love received from a loyal dog friend.

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