7.7 million views of a TikTok video telling the story of a dog’s accidental pregnancy has gone viral. In the video shared below, Salt Lake City-based TikTok user Paisen @paibaiiii documented her dog’s tricky pregnancy, explaining that her brother’s golden retriever accidentally got her German shepherd pregnant.
The video shows a German shepherd, and explains: “My brother’s dog got my dog pregnant one month before he was due to get fixed and this is how it went…
“A lot of emotions with hours, days, weeks of research and vet appointments.
“60 days of so much planning and preparing for the best possible outcome.
“Birth did not go as planned. $6,000 emergency c section.
“Nursing 11 pups was hard on mom so they had to be bottle fed every 2 hours. We hardly got any sleep for weeks
“A TikTok video can’t even fully grasp how hard it’s been. But we are making the most out of it and enjoying the pups while we can.”
In the caption Paisen writes: “Nothing about this has been glamorous. It has been one of the most difficult experiences of our lives. All we wish for is that each puppy brings as much joy & happiness to their new owners lives as much as their parents have brought to ours.”
The pregnancy in this case was an accident, with the father dog scheduled to be neutered. Earth and Animal Advocates report that 27 million cats and dogs are born in the U.S each year and that: “Because homes cannot be found for all of them, between 10 and 12 million of these animals will be euthanized.”
The Humane Society references a study by the University of Georgia based on the medical records of more than 70,000 animals which showed that neutered male dogs lived 13.8 percent longer than unneutered males dogs, and with spayed female dogs the difference in life expectancy was discovered to be 26.3 percent.
They also found that: “The average age of death of intact dogs was 7.9 years versus a significantly older 9.4 years for altered dogs.”
TikToker Alexis C said: “As a veterinary professional this is what I wish people could see when they decide to become ‘breeders.’ It’s not easy and it’s a lot on you and it’s $.”
User Melanie Demi | Dogs + Travel commented: “I really really appreciate you showing the reality of this. But it also hurts me so much when people don’t keep their intact dogs away from each other.”
Deer wrote: “Girl!!! You’re a total Rockstar!!! You’re doing the best job for the doggies, pups and their future. They’re so lucky to have you. Love from Houston.”
source: Newsweek