
German Shepherd Dog Losing Hair Around Eyes: Discover Causes and Solutions -Updated 2023

Is your German Shepherd Dog Losing Hair Around Eyes ?If you’re a proud owner of a German Shepherd dog, you know they’re more than just pets; they’re loyal companions, protectors, and, at times, even entertainers. These majestic dogs come with a lot of charm, but like any breed, they can also have their share of health issues. One common concern that German Shepherd owners often encounter is the peculiar problem of their beloved dogs losing hair around their eyes. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this issue and explore what you can do to keep your furry friend looking and feeling their best.

Allergies can wreak havoc on your furry friend’s skin and coat. German Shepherds, like many other breeds, can be sensitive to various allergens. These allergens could be in the form of pollen, dust mites, certain foods, or even certain grooming products.

Eye infections can be another sneaky reason for hair loss around the eyes of German Shepherds. These infections often lead to excessive tearing and rubbing of the eyes, which can result in hair loss.

If you’re a German Shepherd dog owner, you understand the boundless love and companionship these loyal canines bring into our lives. But as a responsible owner, it’s essential to look out for your furry friend’s well-being. One common issue that can affect German Shepherds is losing hair around their eyes. This article will delve into the reasons behind this problem and explore the various treatments and preventive measures you can take to ensure your four-legged friend stays healthy and happy.

How Can I Treat My Dog’s Hair Loss?

Seeing your German Shepherd losing hair around their eyes can be distressing, but fret not; there are ways to address this issue. To embark on this journey of pet care, let’s first understand the potential culprits causing this hair loss:


Just like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies too. Allergic reactions can manifest in various ways, and hair loss around the eyes is one of them. Common allergens for dogs include pollen, dust mites, certain foods, and even insect bites.

Solution: Identifying and eliminating the allergen is the first step. Consult your veterinarian to perform allergy tests and discuss treatment options. They may recommend antihistamines, dietary changes, or even immunotherapy to desensitize your furry friend to the allergen.

Foreign Body

Dogs are naturally curious creatures, and they often explore their surroundings with their noses and eyes. Sometimes, foreign bodies like small splinters, debris, or plant material can get lodged in the hair around their eyes, leading to hair loss.

Solution: Carefully inspect your dog’s eyes and the surrounding area. If you spot any foreign objects, gently remove them with clean tweezers. However, if you’re unsure or the issue persists, consult your vet to avoid causing further harm.

Demodicosis (Demodex Mange)

Demodicosis, commonly known as Demodex mange, is a skin condition caused by mites called Demodex canis. These microscopic parasites can multiply rapidly, causing hair loss, skin inflammation, and itching, typically localized to specific areas.

Solution: A trip to the vet is essential for a proper diagnosis. Treatment may include medicated shampoos, antibiotics, or topical ointments to kill the mites and soothe the affected skin.


Glaucoma is a painful eye condition where there is increased pressure within the eye. This elevated pressure can cause hair loss around the eyes, as the dog may rub or scratch the area due to discomfort.

Solution: Immediate veterinary attention is crucial when glaucoma is suspected. The vet will aim to reduce eye pressure through medication or surgery, ultimately relieving your dog’s pain and potentially allowing hair to grow back.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Conjunctivitis, or “pink eye,” is the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane covering the eye’s white part. It can lead to redness, itching, and discharge, often causing your dog to rub its eyes and lose hair in the process.

Solution: Your veterinarian will prescribe eye drops or ointments to treat conjunctivitis. In some cases, they may recommend a cone collar to prevent your dog from scratching or rubbing their eyes, giving the area a chance to heal.

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a skin condition characterized by itching and inflammation. It can affect various parts of a dog’s body, including the area around the eyes, leading to hair loss.

Solution: Diagnosis involves ruling out other possible causes and conducting allergy testing. Treatment options include antihistamines, steroids, or immunosuppressive drugs, along with addressing the underlying allergens.


Despite its name, ringworm is not a worm but a fungal infection. It can affect your dog’s skin and hair, causing circular, hairless patches. If it occurs around the eyes, hair loss can be a noticeable symptom.

Solution: A veterinarian can diagnose ringworm through skin tests and may recommend antifungal treatments such as topical ointments or oral medications to eliminate the infection.


Fleas are a common nuisance for dogs and can lead to itching, irritation, and hair loss. They often target sensitive areas like the face and eyes.

Solution: Treating fleas involves not only addressing your dog but also your home environment. Consult your veterinarian for flea control products and follow their advice to rid your dog of these pesky parasites.


Infections, whether bacterial or fungal, can cause hair loss around your dog’s eyes. These infections can occur due to various factors, including scratches, allergies, or foreign bodies.

Solution: Accurate diagnosis by a vet is crucial to determine the type of infection and prescribe appropriate antibiotics or antifungal treatments. Keeping the area clean and dry can also aid in the healing process.

Become a Smarter Dog Owner!

Preventing hair loss around your German Shepherd’s eyes goes hand in hand with becoming a more informed and proactive dog owner. Here are some tips to help you provide the best care for your furry companion:

Regular Grooming

Maintaining a regular grooming routine not only keeps your dog looking sharp but also helps you notice any unusual changes in their coat or skin. Brushing your German Shepherd’s fur can also prevent matting, which can exacerbate hair loss.

Quality Diet

A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for your dog’s overall health, including the condition of their skin and coat. Consult your vet for recommendations on the best food for your specific dog’s needs.

Environmental Awareness

Be aware of your dog’s environment and potential allergens. If you notice your dog reacts negatively to certain substances or situations, try to minimize their exposure.

Routine Vet Visits

Regular check-ups with your veterinarian can catch issues early, preventing them from escalating. Discuss any concerns you have about your dog’s health and well-being during these visits.

Stress Reduction

Stress can exacerbate skin and coat problems in dogs. Ensure your German Shepherd has a calm and comfortable living environment, and engage them in activities that provide mental and physical stimulation.

Proper Eye Care

Pay attention to your dog’s eye health. Regularly clean their eyes and the surrounding area to prevent the buildup of discharge or debris that could contribute to hair loss.

Quick Emergency Guide

If you notice hair loss in your dog, it’s best to follow the steps below:

  • Observe Closely: Carefully examine the affected area of your dog’s skin and coat.
  • Consult Your Vet: Schedule a veterinary appointment to diagnose the cause of the hair loss.
  • Follow Treatment Recommendations: If diagnosed, adhere to the vet’s prescribed treatment plan.
  • Maintain Regular Grooming: Keep your dog clean and groomed to prevent further issues.
  • Address Underlying Causes: Tackle any underlying factors such as allergies or infections.
  • Implement Preventive Measures: After treatment, take preventive actions to avoid recurrence.
  • Stay Informed: Continuously educate yourself about your dog’s breed-specific health needs.
  • Monitor Progress: Keep a close eye on your dog’s condition and follow-up with your vet as needed.
  • Provide Love and Comfort: Offer your furry friend comfort and support during their recovery.

Allergies Quick Guide

Type of AllergyContagious/Non-ContagiousDescription
Atopic DermatitisNon-ContagiousAn inherited tendency to develop allergic reactions to common environmental triggers like pollen and dust mites. Symptoms often include itchy and irritated eyes.
Food AllergiesNon-ContagiousReactions to specific ingredients in your puppy’s diet, such as proteins or grains. These allergies can manifest as skin and eye issues, leading to hair loss.
Contact DermatitisNon-ContagiousAllergic reactions to substances or materials in your puppy’s environment, like certain cleaning products or plants. Eye irritation and hair loss can occur if the eyes come into contact with allergens.
Flea Allergy DermatitisNon-ContagiousAn allergic response to flea saliva. Even a single flea bite can trigger severe itching, leading to hair loss and eye irritation in affected areas.
Demodectic MangeNon-ContagiousCaused by Demodex mites, this condition is not directly contagious but can be triggered by a weak immune system. It can lead to hair loss around the eyes and other areas.
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)ContagiousAn inflammation of the conjunctiva, pink eye can be contagious if caused by bacteria or viruses. It often results in eye discharge and hair loss due to itching or rubbing.

Healthy Diet

Incorporating these foods into your German Shepherd’s diet can contribute to healthier fur, including the area around their eyes. Remember to consult your veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations tailored to your dog’s needs.

Food TypeBenefits
SalmonRich in omega-3 fatty acids for shiny fur
EggsProtein source for strong hair growth
Sweet PotatoesHigh in vitamin A for skin and coat health
BlueberriesAntioxidants support skin and fur health
KaleProvides vitamin C and K for coat health
Lean ProteinSupports muscle and fur strength
FlaxseedsOmega-3 fatty acids promote shiny fur
CarrotsBeta-carotene aids skin and fur health
Coconut OilHealthy fats improve coat condition
Lean TurkeyProtein for strong hair and muscle growth


Why is my dog losing hair near his eye?

Hair loss near your dog’s eye can be caused by various factors, including allergies, infections, or trauma. It’s essential to consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Why is my German shepherd losing hair on his face?

German Shepherds may lose hair on their face due to issues like allergies, fungal infections, or mites. A vet can identify the specific cause and recommend treatment options.

What can I do if my German shepherd has a lot of bald spots?

If your German Shepherd has multiple bald spots, consult a vet to determine the underlying cause. Treatment may include medication, dietary changes, or addressing environmental factors.

What vitamin deficiency causes hair loss in dogs?

Vitamin deficiencies, particularly vitamin E and biotin, can lead to hair loss in dogs. Providing a balanced diet or supplements as recommended by your vet can help prevent this issue.


As a responsible German Shepherd owner, it’s essential to be vigilant and proactive when it comes to your furry friend’s health. Hair loss around the eyes can be caused by various factors, including allergies, foreign bodies, infections, and more. By understanding the potential causes and seeking timely veterinary care, you can help your beloved companion recover their beautiful coat and maintain their overall well-being. So, keep an eye out for any signs of discomfort or hair loss around your German Shepherd’s eyes, and remember, a happy and healthy dog is a joy for a lifetime.

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