
This German Shepherd Dog Owns A Trait That Every Mom Dreams Of 

German Shepherds are confident, courageous, intelligent and gentle, although it can take them some time to make friends. Due to the history of herding, they are incredibly noble and loyal — both to the work they do and to their owners. “German Shepherds are energetic, confident ,highly intelligent dogs and super incredible with kids.

Source : pexels – Vladislav Tsankov

Chevy doesn’t only serve as a guardian dog, but helps with the daily chores as well. 

In a video uploaded to Chevy’s YouTube channel ,the German Shepherd dog’s mom writes,

“German Shepherd Chevy has the fun job of waking up her two little humans every morning before school. It is a job she takes very seriously, making sure to be as loud as possible while jumping all over them and licking their faces! It’s a very effective wake up call for these two boys!”

Now that’s a great alarm clock. There’s no hitting the snooze button several times on this one, that’s for sure!

Once she gets the go signal, she takes off and visits each kid’s room, waking them up by jumping on the bed and barking loudly.

Source: YouTube Screenshot – GSD Chevy

With over 8K views, the video definitely had viewers impressed by Chevy ‘s ability to help the two boys to start their day.

YouTube user YeezusWestCoast commented,

“Best way to wake up 

Another viewer with the username matthew C even left a sweet suggestion:

“You should let the dog kiss them up”

Watch the video to see Chevy ‘s alarm clock technique every morning!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – GSD Chevy

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12 Foods Never Feed To Your German Shepherd Dog